Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year to all of you! Enclosed with a poem by Oriah that has been inspiring signpost for me for quite a long time.  Love, Rina

The Invitation

It doesn't interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for
 and if you dare to dream of
meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk
looking like a fool for love,
for your dream, for the
adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me
what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you
have touched the centre of your own sorrow,
if you have been opened by life's betrayals or
have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain,
mine or your own,
without moving to hide it,
or fade it, or fix it.

I want to know
if you can be with joy, mine or your own;
if you can dance with wildness and
let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic,
remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me
if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another
to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal
and not betray your own soul.
If you can be faithless
and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know
if you can see Beauty even
when it is not pretty every day.
And if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure,
yours and mine,
and still stand at the edge of the lake
and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes.'

It doesn't interest me
to know where you live
or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up
after the night of grief and despair,
weary and bruised to the bone and
do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know
or how you came to be here.
I want to know
if you will stand
in the centre of the fire with me
and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where
or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside
when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone
 with yourself
and if you truly like the company
you keep in the empty moments.

-Invitation by Oriah, from the book Mountain dreaming

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello to you who are out there!

Thank you for your comments and words of encouragements that I've received. Don't hesitate to become a registrated reader of my blog, introduce yourself and also write to me, start a conversation! I do have a sweet memory of also receiving letters of reply ...;-)  I also opened a new email-address that I didn't get attached here yet, through which you can also correspond with me.

I'm still struggling a bit with this way of writing. I actually wrote something couple days ago and thought to have saved my draft but then lost it - and that is so frustrating! - if I had written it on paper, well, it would still be there. Of course, I have come used to writing on computer and it's a lot faster many times but must say there is something wonderful in the art of handwritten letters, sending and receiving them.

How was your Christmas? We've relaxed and enjoyed the holidays! We've also been lucky to not have lost the electricity as thousands of other Finns did, even close by and some still haven't got it back, due to the storm there was on monday. That must have given some interesting adventure for many family Christmas reunions ... ;-) (We only got our car broke on Christmas Eve which is now being repaired,  getting a nice bill for new year's start :-S )

A dear friend of mine visited us and we had some interesting conversation about a lot of things. We came to talk about how in our perspective people and social connections have changed due to cellphones, internet etc. and how we're more and more used to having things one click away from us - rather fast and easy! And how then, when we are put in to real situations of waiting to get our car fixed or get a in touch with the electrecity company... Oh gee, that's when we get the free session of pilates for our minds... Feel that nice stretch in your nerves as your patience is growing? :-D - Like I can imagine a lot of families having experienced that level of new demand of creativity as having hours or days without electricity and figuring out how to function in this "new" situation - we realise how unprepared we are or can be.

There is so much we easily take for granted in life, and don't realise what we have until there is a sudden "loss" or withdrawal from it. I've also experienced that a few times. At the same those moments many times are or can be a gift in disguise. With the electrecity cut maybe some families this Christmas have been forced to entertain eachother in different ways when many of the traditional entertainment sources have been taken away. Maybe there's been more conversation and memorable moments in a different way even at the same it is no way fun to not have electricity.

For a long time I've put myself on a stand-by, because I have had hard time integrating in this social livingroom of Internet. I'm such a oldie, aren't I? ;-) I don't really care that much to be here but with you somewhere really face to face.  I haven't wanted to accept all the changes modern technology is bringing to us. Sure, it's impressive but at the same I feel people are getting more and more distant from their core and having thinner connection with others. What do you think? I'm not making statements, but wonderings from where I watch and see the changes in my environment. I know I'm also in the risk of making all kinds of who knows right or wrong speculations and maybe that's why I'm also here. To figure it out more.

In some way I've realised I have to change if I want to connect with others in this changed world. Does this blog bring the connection I miss? I'm doubtful. I know my connections are still face to face with people - the time I take to sit down with someone, go for a walk, play a game... At the same it is not taken away that it can be helpful to share a word or two in this way, or a whole train of thoughts, and discover that we're in this together. Life. Some old person said wisely "We're all the same age but at a different time" so I believe as humans we share common experience in many aspects that we just don't always see or realise from our more apparent differences. I know I need to be connected to myself  and writing also helps me do that. As I'm connected to myself I find the truth of myself that allows and helps me to also connect with others and this world. Let's not take ourselves and others for granted.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Hei te rakkaat ihmiset jotka olette nyt löytäneet polun tälle sivulle. Tervetuloa! Kiitos siitä, kuka olet ja mitä olet tuonut elämääni matkan varrella. Kaunista joulua ja ikimuistoista uutta vuotta 2012. Sydämellä, Rina

Hello to you  dear people who have now found your way to this site. Welcome! Thank you for who you are and for what you have brought in my life along the journey. Thank you for being a part of it. I wish you the most beautiful Christmas and wonderful New Year 2012.  Love, Rina

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Olen tässä käynyt vähän tekstejäni läpi. Pitkiä ja pätkiä. Keskenjääneitä? Valmiita? En tiedä koska olen kirjoittanut alla olevan tekstin, mutta siitä on aikaa... Kummallista on, että en muista aikaa, mutta muistan tuon tunteen. Yhtä kummallista on, että koen olevani nyt jotenkin kypsempi... tuntuu luonnolliselta avata ikkuna ja antaa tuulen vietäväksi joitakin kirjoituksiani! Oikeastaan liikutuin lukiessani tuota tekstiä.Tuntuu hyvältä avata itse tekemänsä henkinen "karsina", ja antaa nyt mennä. Muutamiin aikakausilehtiin olen aiemmin tänä vuonna yrittänyt saada "kolumnejani" mutta kolumnistin paikat on ollut aina täynnä. Nyt olen siis tässä, jotta jatkaisin sitä mitä janoan tehdä enemmän... Ja suokaapa nyt se kummallisuus että kirjoitan milloin suomeksi milloin englanniksi. C'est ma vie. Mutta tässä nyt tämä juttu.


Sanat palavat minussa kuin sammumaton liekki. En usko sen valoon vaikka tunnen sen itsessäni. Olen lähtenyt matkalle, eksynyt itseeni kuin eiliseen, jonne ei ole paluuta. Kaipaan haaveitani saapuvaksi postilaatikkooni. Katson peiliin, raamini on jäänyt pieneksi, elämä on kutistunut minussa päiviksi, arjeksi vailla juhlaa, vailla merkitystä ja suuntaa. Olen, en tiedä miksi, kysyn yhä uudestaan miksi, en tiedä ihan sama vasemmalle tai oikealle mutta haluan eteenpäin.

Jos en löydä itseäni, löydänkö toistakaan. Miksi pelkään näkyvyyttä, päätöksien tekemistä. Haluaisin riuhtaista itseni juurista jotka eivät päästä minua irti lentämään. Vapaa kuin lintu voiko olla ihminen koskaan?

Kun kirjoitan, olen ennen kaikkea olemassa. Elämäni muut hetket ovat jotakin missä varjoni painuu kauemmaksi horisonttiin. Olen, teen, sen kaiken mitä pitää ja enemmänkin, vastaan lasten, puolison, työnantajan ja yhteiskunnan vaatimuksiin ja odotuksiin. Kannan korteni kekoon ja jos en kanna, tunnen sen syyllisyytenä ja kaikuvana äänenä pääaulassa jossa ajatukseni virtaavat kaipausteni syvimpiin uomiin. En voi sallia itseni matkustaa syvemmälle, kun toiset odottavat. Aivan kuin minulla ei olisi lupaa vapaudelle, joka huutaa minussa.

Tekee mieli karata. Lähteä mieleni luolaan kesken lasten vaatimusten ja kysymysten, kesken turhien riitojen ja epäolennaisten rukousten. Olla hiljaa, näkymätön, ja tulla näkyväksi ehjänä, itsevarmana, luottavaisena. Todellisuus missä olen ei ole todellisuutta ennen kuin sanon sen ääneen. Ennen kuin nostan pääni puskasta ja sanon TÄÄLLÄ minä oikeasti olen. Kunpa tietäisin.

Mistä alkaisi tarinani? – Alusta? Missä on alku risteilevien polkujen maastossa? Mistä aloittaisin, että pääsisin kohti ovea, joka avaa maailmani ja minut itseeni. Pelkään, että taakseni jää pian kaikki se minkä halusin vielä löytää elämästäni vain siitä syystä, että olen antanut sen lipua ohitseni.

Mistä on elämä tehty? Pippurista. Suolasta ja sokerista. Valkosipulista. Pimeydestä. Usvasta ja aamuauringosta silloin kun herää oikeaan aikaan. Mistä on elämä tehty. Siitä mille minä annan itseni joka päivä. Kiukulle ja kärsimättömyydelle. Rauhalle ja rauhattomuudelle. Rakkaudelle ja rakkaudettomuudelle. On niin paljon mitä valitsen ja niin paljon joka valitsee minut ilman että olisin mitään pyytänyt. Voisiko tämän kiukun palauttaa lähettäjälleen?

Miksi on niin vaikeaa löytää suuri pyöreä pöytä, jonka äärelle voisi tuntea kuuluvansa toisten ihmisten kanssa. Kaipaus kasvaa kuin nälkä ruokajonossa. Puhun sataa eri asiaa minuutissa enkä pääse eteenpäin. Kukaan ei jaksa kuunnella minua, en minä itsekään. Sanojen valtakunta kasvaa minussa ilman suuntaa. Haluan kirjoittaa mutta en tiedä kenen nimellä.
On tämäkin hälläpyörä. Tässä vaiheessa alan yleensä luovuttaa. Huomaan kirjoittavani sitä sun tätä, vaikka oikeasti haluaisin mennä eteenpäin. Mihin? Mitä minulla on sanottavaa? Onko minulla jotakin annettavaa? Olen vierellälkulkija mutta kenen? Jollen itseni, kenen?

En halua muuntua varpailla kulkijoiden yhdistyksen puheenjohtajaksi. Haluan tuntea elämäni koko sen painolla, astua tälle maalle ja tähän päivään kiireestä kantapäähän. En halua varvistella kenenkään maalla kuin peläten rikkovani jotakin. Olenhan yhtä vapaa elämän tanssiin kuin kuka tahansa, säädyllisissä rajoissa toki.

Kiitos hänelle kuka sen niin hyvin sanoikaan ”Ole oma itsesi, kaikki muut paikat ovat varattuja.”

Rina (ja tästä tekstistä on aikaa!...?)

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hei sinä. Hey you. Sunday evening, Dec. 18th SF dark dark dark

I'm still wondering whether I'm writing this in english or finnish. But as you can see, the English got me over. This time.

We've come to the end of the year with me keeping this blog pretty much to myself. This past week I was encouraged in a practical way by some other blogger as to how to work on this blog as in creating it, because that is where I last hit a dead-end... Making a blog is sooo much harder than writing a hand-written letter!!! I got so tired of trying to get things in place the way I wanted it (that might have had something to do with the dead-end too ;-) so I kind of gave up, or let it float, never took it out but never made any publicity over it either.

But now, I've decided to get this going, that is - me and my writing. I managed to get some columns in finnish on the side but still it's not how I really want it but I think I can bare with it until I figure it out.

What I really have figured out recently is that this past year I have been encouraged and even deeply so. Funny is that this realization happened on a ten minute bus ride on a rainy friday evening on my way to town, and it was really dark. As you all know, this year has not seen snow in Southern Finland for more than a day.

...I don't know how but suddenly I realised that I've come to a "station" in my life where I wanted to have the direction and close distance already quite a few years ago - but didn't. Of course life is never a station but like a living river carrying us forward somewhere. Thank God,at times we get the scenic route and can realise a bit of the journey we've travelled. I've been back in Finland now how many years - soon 10 - no, 9 I think (never trust my math!), and to be honest quite a few years I've felt like a stranger in my own country. Can't be sure how many Novembers I've planned to move elsewhere and maybe this is the darkest of them all, and hey - I'm as settled as a snowman...hmm, was that a good comparison at all? .-D

It is interesting how encouragement sometimes grows slowly for it to become mentionable. Discouragements tend to surprise us behind quite a few corners and the battle between yes and no is readily served on our plate. "NO, I'm not living here anymore..." " Well, yes, there is however.."

THERE ARE PEOPLE who have entered on the stage of my life, some in bigger some in smaller way, but as if all of them have had a hidden agenda this year as to encourage me. Sometimes a small acquintance can be meaningful. And everything that grows is best: be it flowers, trees, children or relationships. Finding others and being found is beautiful. Rediscovering people we think we've known for years is treasure. To encourage ourselves is not least important, the last person to stand by me is me and it's good to learn to stand well for ourselves. I can say I am encouraged by how I have managed to travel my life's journey up till now. I will stand to encourage others, including you right now where ever you are. Let's
do the best in what we live, and take the best in what we live, whatever our life may behold. We can always choose to encourage and be encouraged.

Thank you all who have encouraged me. I wonder if you even know it! (Another lesson...)

Hearts to you,


written Sat. 22nd of January 2011 in Finland

It’s Saturday evening. My husband is watching the French news and the kids are off on a dream-ride for the night. I am awake after being almost asleep already on the couch when we watched the Finnish news. Funny they call it the news, because there seems to never be really anything new… how about the oldies!

So it happens that I feel like writing and it feels kind of nice to have the thought of a blog where to “send” these letters and thoughts. I’m only wondering if I should tell some people that I’ve started a blog!? ;-) That should be handy and give an objective to my writing, wouldn’t it, ha-haa..
I would like to think my purpose in writing is to give something to think about to others as I think about a lot of things. Well, as we all do. At least I would like to believe so that as humans we’re not passing our life’s journey without realizing all (or at least some) of what it beholds. At least seeking to find the truth of ourselves. So many given days are ours but what is the true value we give to them and ourselves is often hidden in our hearts.

Silence makes us stop but many of us find that uncomfortable. Do you?

Writing makes me stop physically and move internally in stillness. I know that by now, that it is something definitely good for me. What’s the rush. I feel today’s world is a battlefield of our attention and people including myself get so easily taken away and losing track of our own inner voice. After losing the track, we lose our faith. After losing our faith, we lose purpose. After losing purpose, we lose ourselves. Good thing is that our inner labyrinth has no dead-ends and I believe, one can always find the way back home inside.

What we say to ourselves is so important.

The picture of me. Above. That’s me and a picture taken on a course of empowering photography. What you know about me is that I enjoy writing. What you don’t know is that I haven’t shared much of my writing to others and in which I harbor some insecurity. The purpose of the picture of empowerment is to imagine what kind of picture you would like to have of yourself, where and how, and how it would be strengthening something in you. So, as usually a photographer is the one who has the control of the event, here it is the one being photographed who gives the guidelines as to what kind of picture should be taken. I wanted to take myself outside, somewhere in the wide open with a desk, chair and do what I love to do: write. I wanted to feel free, and help myself feel free to express out in the open, sure of myself. It was winter so I got this thought to go out on the frozen lake as we did, and this picture “the place of my strength” was taken. The picture means a lot to me, and with every word I dare to write from my heart, I know the river within me grows stronger.
(This method has a kind of a philosophy of it’s own and the method has been created by a finnish photographer Miina Savolainen. Check this out: Where is your place of strength?
I’m reeeeally tired now. So good night. Sleep well, sleep tight.

Here we go!

Hello to You out there. written Jan. 17th, 2011 Finland

Ok. Here’s a puzzle. Now I’ve decided to do this, start a blog and write to you. Yes, you. All my life, as long as I remember I’ve loved to write letters. And I mean real handwritten letters. I remember a time (and not from so distant shore) when it was exciting to open the mailbox and see from which corner of the world I’ve got mail. Italy? Japan? Usa? Nigeria? France? Nepal? U.K?

You see, I grew up with having quite a few “penpals”. I wanted to broaden my borders and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds because that is where I felt most at home. Despite being of Finnish nationality, I class myself as a world citizen the most. I love mixing Finnish, English and French (the languages I can handle) and see people of all colors and races walking on the street. That is the view that I call how it’s meant to be.

There has also been a time that I’ve had friends, and I mean real Friends. As the saying goes, true friends remain over time and one might think (but not me!) that there aren’t any left over, because in this place and time where I am right now, I’m connected to hardly any. I believe, I’ve simply lost the contact, and that I have not come to terms with the changes… some like e-mail. I try to bare with it, no matter how quick and easy it is.
So what am I up to here then?

Deeply said, writing is really my soul’s breathing and I want to write to someone but don’t know anymore to whom. I don’t know who is out there, but a world full of humans with breathing hearts and souls that in a bodily form are a part of a complex and amazing universe and needing to connect with others. So hello, to you. Nice to meet you! Nice to exist with you on this planet Earth. And welcome chez moi in this blog. I would like it to be a nice café or a livingroom where one can chat about anything, but really, about things that matter and what makes us who we are.
I suppose this is a reinvention of my long-lost hobby of sitting in cafe's and writing letters. Ta-daa.

With nothing less than my HEART, Rina