Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hei sinä. Hey you. Sunday evening, Dec. 18th SF dark dark dark

I'm still wondering whether I'm writing this in english or finnish. But as you can see, the English got me over. This time.

We've come to the end of the year with me keeping this blog pretty much to myself. This past week I was encouraged in a practical way by some other blogger as to how to work on this blog as in creating it, because that is where I last hit a dead-end... Making a blog is sooo much harder than writing a hand-written letter!!! I got so tired of trying to get things in place the way I wanted it (that might have had something to do with the dead-end too ;-) so I kind of gave up, or let it float, never took it out but never made any publicity over it either.

But now, I've decided to get this going, that is - me and my writing. I managed to get some columns in finnish on the side but still it's not how I really want it but I think I can bare with it until I figure it out.

What I really have figured out recently is that this past year I have been encouraged and even deeply so. Funny is that this realization happened on a ten minute bus ride on a rainy friday evening on my way to town, and it was really dark. As you all know, this year has not seen snow in Southern Finland for more than a day.

...I don't know how but suddenly I realised that I've come to a "station" in my life where I wanted to have the direction and close distance already quite a few years ago - but didn't. Of course life is never a station but like a living river carrying us forward somewhere. Thank God,at times we get the scenic route and can realise a bit of the journey we've travelled. I've been back in Finland now how many years - soon 10 - no, 9 I think (never trust my math!), and to be honest quite a few years I've felt like a stranger in my own country. Can't be sure how many Novembers I've planned to move elsewhere and maybe this is the darkest of them all, and hey - I'm as settled as a snowman...hmm, was that a good comparison at all? .-D

It is interesting how encouragement sometimes grows slowly for it to become mentionable. Discouragements tend to surprise us behind quite a few corners and the battle between yes and no is readily served on our plate. "NO, I'm not living here anymore..." " Well, yes, there is however.."

THERE ARE PEOPLE who have entered on the stage of my life, some in bigger some in smaller way, but as if all of them have had a hidden agenda this year as to encourage me. Sometimes a small acquintance can be meaningful. And everything that grows is best: be it flowers, trees, children or relationships. Finding others and being found is beautiful. Rediscovering people we think we've known for years is treasure. To encourage ourselves is not least important, the last person to stand by me is me and it's good to learn to stand well for ourselves. I can say I am encouraged by how I have managed to travel my life's journey up till now. I will stand to encourage others, including you right now where ever you are. Let's
do the best in what we live, and take the best in what we live, whatever our life may behold. We can always choose to encourage and be encouraged.

Thank you all who have encouraged me. I wonder if you even know it! (Another lesson...)

Hearts to you,

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