Hello to you who are out there!
Thank you for your comments and words of encouragements that I've received. Don't hesitate to become a registrated reader of my blog, introduce yourself and also write to me, start a conversation! I do have a sweet memory of also receiving letters of reply ...;-) I also opened a new email-address that I didn't get attached here yet, letterfromrina@yahoo.com through which you can also correspond with me.
I'm still struggling a bit with this way of writing. I actually wrote something couple days ago and thought to have saved my draft but then lost it - and that is so frustrating! - if I had written it on paper, well, it would still be there. Of course, I have come used to writing on computer and it's a lot faster many times but must say there is something wonderful in the art of handwritten letters, sending and receiving them.
How was your Christmas? We've relaxed and enjoyed the holidays! We've also been lucky to not have lost the electricity as thousands of other Finns did, even close by and some still haven't got it back, due to the storm there was on monday. That must have given some interesting adventure for many family Christmas reunions ... ;-) (We only got our car broke on Christmas Eve which is now being repaired, getting a nice bill for new year's start :-S )
A dear friend of mine visited us and we had some interesting conversation about a lot of things. We came to talk about how in our perspective people and social connections have changed due to cellphones, internet etc. and how we're more and more used to having things one click away from us - rather fast and easy! And how then, when we are put in to real situations of waiting to get our car fixed or get a in touch with the electrecity company... Oh gee, that's when we get the free session of pilates for our minds... Feel that nice stretch in your nerves as your patience is growing? :-D - Like I can imagine a lot of families having experienced that level of new demand of creativity as having hours or days without electricity and figuring out how to function in this "new" situation - we realise how unprepared we are or can be.
There is so much we easily take for granted in life, and don't realise what we have until there is a sudden "loss" or withdrawal from it. I've also experienced that a few times. At the same those moments many times are or can be a gift in disguise. With the electrecity cut maybe some families this Christmas have been forced to entertain eachother in different ways when many of the traditional entertainment sources have been taken away. Maybe there's been more conversation and memorable moments in a different way even at the same it is no way fun to not have electricity.
For a long time I've put myself on a stand-by, because I have had hard time integrating in this social livingroom of Internet. I'm such a oldie, aren't I? ;-) I don't really care that much to be here but with you somewhere really face to face. I haven't wanted to accept all the changes modern technology is bringing to us. Sure, it's impressive but at the same I feel people are getting more and more distant from their core and having thinner connection with others. What do you think? I'm not making statements, but wonderings from where I watch and see the changes in my environment. I know I'm also in the risk of making all kinds of who knows right or wrong speculations and maybe that's why I'm also here. To figure it out more.
In some way I've realised I have to change if I want to connect with others in this changed world. Does this blog bring the connection I miss? I'm doubtful. I know my connections are still face to face with people - the time I take to sit down with someone, go for a walk, play a game... At the same it is not taken away that it can be helpful to share a word or two in this way, or a whole train of thoughts, and discover that we're in this together. Life. Some old person said wisely "We're all the same age but at a different time" so I believe as humans we share common experience in many aspects that we just don't always see or realise from our more apparent differences. I know I need to be connected to myself and writing also helps me do that. As I'm connected to myself I find the truth of myself that allows and helps me to also connect with others and this world. Let's not take ourselves and others for granted.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hei Rina! Sun tekstit saa kyllä niin ajatukset aina heräämään :) Mua voimaannuttaa aina suuresti se, että saan oikeasti keskustella juurikin face to face, sillä täällä konemaailmassa usein kysellään pikaisesti kuulumiset yms. Kun yhdistyksestä jäi pitkäaikainen työntekijä pois ja kauhulla ajattelin, että hyvä keskustelukumppani häviää, niin oli ilo huomata, että niin ei käynyt. Melkein sanoisin, että olemme jo perinteisesti tavanneet kerran kuussa ja vaihdamme aina ajatuksia keskenämme. Voimaannuttavaa on se, että saa tukevia näkökulmia ja keskustelu 'hengenheimolaisen' kanssa on vaan niin mutkatonta! Mussakin vaan taitaa asua pienen pieni filosofi :D ja mulla ainakin kärsivällisyys riippuu tilanteesta, joskus sitä on vaikka muille jakaa, joskus ei ollenkaan. Ajatuksellista uutta vuotta toivotellen ja uusia kirjoituksiasi odotellen!
Kiitos Piia! Joo - kyllä mäkin uskon edelleen, että tilaa syntyy sille mille osaa antaa tilaa, ja yhteys ihmisiin joiden välille yhteys on syntynyt, säilyy, vaikka joskus olisi pidempiäkin "taukoja"... Me varmasti myös vielä tavataan muuallakin kun täällä! ;-) Mukavaa tätä vuotta! <3 Rina
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