Friday, December 23, 2011


Hei te rakkaat ihmiset jotka olette nyt löytäneet polun tälle sivulle. Tervetuloa! Kiitos siitä, kuka olet ja mitä olet tuonut elämääni matkan varrella. Kaunista joulua ja ikimuistoista uutta vuotta 2012. Sydämellä, Rina

Hello to you  dear people who have now found your way to this site. Welcome! Thank you for who you are and for what you have brought in my life along the journey. Thank you for being a part of it. I wish you the most beautiful Christmas and wonderful New Year 2012.  Love, Rina

1 comment:

Margie said...

Thank you Rina, I just found your blog! Can't wait to come and see you in person! We didn't make it before Christmas because of the move but we are definitly planning on coming in January or February if you will have us! WE miss you so much! All my love, Margaret