Saturday, May 5, 2012



Tämä alla oleva tekstinpätkä pulpahti jostain esiin, aikaa sitten kirjoitettu. Jännästi mietin kuinka sitä ihminen kypsyy kuitenkin hiljaa ja hitaasti. Se mikä on minussa tänään oli jo kauan aikaa sitten. Toukokuun Kotivinkki-lehdessä ilmestyy lukijakolumnina yksi kirjoitukseni... Mietin, olisiko tässä siemen, joka itäisi niin kuin auringonkukkani ikkunalaudalla...


Minussa palaa kirjoitus, halu kirjoittaa sydäntäni, purkaa sen osia paperille, tutkia ja yhdistää sitä mitä koen, mitä näen, mitä tunnen. 

Taustalla soi nyt Enya, jokin talvilevy. Ulkona on kyllä syksy. Kaunis aurinkoinen päivä. Sytytin kynttilän joka hohtaa kauniisti paikallaan siitä huolimatta että auringonvalo levittää helmansa sisään. On tyyni hetki jos tyyneys on minussa. Se taitaa nyt olla, hetki sitten olin kyllä levoton kun heräsin niin myöhään ja ajattelin voi, puoli päivää jo mennyt ja perhe jossakin ja miten ehdin sitä ja tätä…. Sitten rauhotuin,voin olla tässä, minä ihminen, ihan rauhassa, olen vapaa olemaan. Mies on vienyt lapset ulos ja minä voin ja saan nyt olla tilanteen sanelemana yksin ja vaikka nyt näin kirjoittaa…

Koen, että minä olen puskemassa maastani ulos todellisemmin. Tuntuu kuin ennen olisin kurkkinut, kuin kysynyt lupaa, että onko tässä nyt sopiva paikka kukkia ja puhjeta minuksi, voinko tulla ulos mullan alta, uskallanko? Ketkä näkevät minut, näkeekö kukaan?

Hiljaisuus ja rakkaus kasvattaa meille siivet.  Läsnäolo kasvattaa meille juuret.


Siivin ja juurin,
elämän mullasta


Hello to you!
As I woke up this morning I was glad it was Saturday.  I slept in later of course and still after waking up, lied in bed for a while…so good to rest!  Finally I got up and started seeing around me, oh yeahhh…PHEW… we’ve had the stomach flu this week in our family and I haven’t done any household chores and so I soon came to realize all the many things that I had to do from vacuuming and cleaning the floors to a pile of laundry etc… now that I’m recovered let me do THAT  :-S… I did go to work yesterday and so all this kind of waited aside… 

I saw on our bedroom floor a pair of craft-binoculars my son did the other day completely smashed as ready for trash, but there it was left on the floor. I saw a bucket in my daughter’s room and remembered the stains from vomiting on her wall that I hadn’t seen at night to clean when she got sick. And the floor, that should definitely be washed again…
And so, as I came down the stairs bringing a mattress down with me and saw my daughter’s backpack and things lying in middle of the hallway so it happened that I gave the morning greeting to my family with a frustration of things here and there and so many things to do!! Argh!! I don’t want this!...

My daughter took her things and I soon apologized to her because it was not her fault we’d all been sick and there was so much to do. I decided to calmly sit down and HAVE SOME COFFEE and then see about the rest of the world. Or at least my home. Without another word. J
As drinking coffee, I was thinking how I hate the fact of nagging to anyone about anything.  I don’t like to be constantly reminding  others about what they should do or remember. Of course I would like them to just simply remember ;-)!  It’s exhausting to feel after a full week of work (or this week being sick) that there is a Saturday to start with major cleaning when all you’d really like is to rest and take it easy…in a nice clean home – a relaxing environment. 

Sooo my frustration slowly did disappear as I came up with a plan, something I’ve thought of sometime but haven’t really felt a moment to do it. I got some paper and started writing things that are to do around the house –let’s make this visible! I made a list for both of my kids listing all the things I considered  as house chores they can manage – some of them being what they already do like my daughter emptying the dishwasher or many times the kids taking out the trash together. Then I started a general list of cleaning there is to do at home which I (or my husband) generally take charge of.
Then when I got the lists done, I had a conversation with my kids. I told them that I don’t like to be telling them all the time of things they should be doing – as I’m sure that  they don’t enjoy being told all the time either. I explained them that we all share this household so we all participate in keeping it nice for all of us and not leaving trash on the floor or clothes or toys here and there. Okay, it happens sometimes but it’s not good to get in to that kind of habits.  I told them the things in the list and what I expected of them and asked if they felt it is too much for them. Reply: nope!  So both of them accepted their lists. I told my kids it is really about seeing the traces all of us leave behind, and to take some responsibility.  As you get off the table, you CAN learn to each time put your plate directly in the dishwasher and so it’s not left to a one person to do all.

I said that one day they would also be adults and that they cannot expect others to be cleaning after them all the time. They need to become aware of things there are to do and to start taking more part in it and that they should be proud about learning it. It can be fun too! I told them all the things that were on “my“ list and  they started adding J : Mom, it’s missing window washing etc…  True! I told I’d add to it and said they could ask to do things from my list and that gradually  in time they would anyhow so that they’ll understand, know and learn what kinds of things there is to do around the house. 
So off we went for a good two hours of cleaning in which I discovered my son to be very efficient when he knows what to do and my daughter to be very thorough. My son was eager and helpful, trying to however get away with little vacuuming of his room which I made him to do well – as he then did with a smile as if thinking “I was just testing you.”  I helped and encouraged and showed my appreciation. My daughter I saw getting a bit carried away from time to time and clearing her drawers and setting something on the shelve and looking how does it look like this or this…J  I  gently encouraged her to concentrate on the essential cleaning now and discussed about what would that be...?  The closet and shelves could wait a while, we had to deal with the things needing to be put back in their place and cleaning the floors etc. Alongside I vacuumed everywhere else (the kids did their rooms), washed the floors and toilets, did laundry and felt such JOY of the effort and attitude my kids were showing and that I didn’t have to do all of it by myself.  My son would finish one thing and come and ask, what can I do next? What a great helper he was! We hunted for dust that he enjoyed sweeping away. I got eager about seeing how my children grasp the things they’re supposed to do and to help them to do things well.

As we were cleaning my husband had gone to do some grocery shopping and he got back with soon ready lunch at the table as we were just about to finish our “job” for the day.  Good teamwork! I told my kids that we were not gonna spend the whole day cleaning, only a bit of it and it would go faster as we did it together and then we could relax and enjoy other things.

As we sat together eating a good lunch I remembered the morning and was so thankful how things had turned out. I was glad that I had got off the ride of frustration. Quickly with looking at the bigger picture and pausing myself to see different perspectives I realized that when we channel things the right way there is a lot of good positive energy that comes out.
We had fun cleaning the home and when we’d finish, we’d have fun in other things playing and relaxing… We enjoyed eachother’s company and especially my son showed me more affection than many other days as if not having learned only cleaning… <3 For long I’ve thought and held an objective to myself that I want to teach my children well so that when they’re big they would not need to feel helpless in this world. After all, we are not growing children but adults.

In this cleaning-operation I realized I haven’t done my best in what I could give. I noticed that quite easily I make assumptions that children know how to do this and that but really need more guidance. Just as usually a new worker given any job is also given the introduction to that work.  Things don’t pass on to children simply by telling them what to do but really by giving and being an example.  
I spend my days working at a daycare- center and I love to see the children grow and learn new things – I feel priviledged to be a witness to that. Children are so real in everything they are be they upset, sad, angry or happy. Sometimes I feel that it is so much easier working with children than adults – because as adults for some reason we seem to grow more complicated ;-).  Wish it wasn’t so! Or what do you think? :-)  

Anyhow, in my work with children I’ve defenitely grown to learn that small things are BIG. A little encouragement. A hug. A smile. Playing together. Keeping up the boundary where the boundary should be even they try pushing it. Believing. Rejoicing.  Being. Talking. Trusting. Expecting.  Those small-big  things create the invisible link between people and as I hope  in my work with the children also that they start trusting the fact that  as an adult I’m always on their side, even when there is some tough lesson to learn. I’m there. I realize how important it is that we also know to expect certain behavior from children and trust them for that –at a age-appropriate time of course.  If I find myself nagging about something constantly, it means I’m not trusting the other to take responsibility of it.
Children have a natural curiosity and interest to learn really anything – and given them the opportunity to participate since small age allows them to learn skills that at a later age they don’t necessarily hold the same interest anymore....? What we give of ourselves to children is a seed that continues growing within them. Let’s not forget what opportunities we have to love and to be loved by our own children or those in our surroundings.  Children often turn out to be also teachers of adults. J I have had that sweet experience quite a few times.
I was already an adult when I really learned that freedom comes through taking responsibility.  Big or small, we are all students of life. Let’s keep learning well and also teach the children with our hearts and to our best knowledge. I know I am encouraged!
